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The Bookstore

Dec 26, 2017

Becca and Corinne talk about a being tourists in the country of New Zealand, about how some english words don't mean what you think and others mean a lot of things, and about the book Corinne went there to buy (j/k that would be an irresponisble financial decision), Witi Ihimaera's The Whale Rider.

Corinne pronounces almost all things wrong, consider this sentence this week's "Words is Hard."

Next week we're reading Hollywood Wives by Jackie Collins so don't freak out because it's kinda dirty.

Books mentioned:The Whale Rider, Witi Ihimaera;The Bone People, Keri Hulme; The Luminaries, Eleanor Catton; Mister Pip, Lloyd Jones; Wild Pork and Watercress, Barry Crump.

And an author from Australia: Shirley Hazard

And a movie: Hunt for the Wilderpeople

The music clip: Christmas in New Zealand by The Long Ryders